New Pittsburgh Courier

MCG Visual Arts continues to connect diverse communities

The Manchester Craftsmen’s Guild’s Youth & Arts held its 2009 Summer Family Day in conjunction with the reception for the traveling exhibition, “Celebration of Visual Traditions: New Work of Diverse Pennsylvania Artists.” Family day activities included artist talks around the featured exhibition as well as arts activities for all ages and the chance to meet MCG Youth students and instructors.

PILLOW TALK—Not in order: Tiffany Beacher, Cara Williams, Teresa Jones, Dominique Wilborn, Levi Redcross, Ethan Michaels, Zalman pollar, and Di Lin show off their pillows.

To highlight the accomplishments of students who participated in MCG’s Summer Studio Intensives—a five-week visual arts camp for teens 13–18 years old—all four arts studios featured demonstrations and opportunities to beat the summer heat creating works of using techniques learned during the summer program.

Throughout the afternoon, open studios allowed the hands on effect of using the sun to print photographic images outside, creating customized pillows or handbags using silkscreen in the design studio and mosaic mirrors in the ceramics studio, plus videos made by digital arts students.

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