Stay well

Where can you find a flu shot? According to the evening news flu shots are scarce. Not shots for H1NI aka the Swine Flu but just your regular flu shots.

I surely hope that someone is not trying to scare the public. I’ve seen signs at Walgreen’s, CVS and local Giant Eagles for flu shots. The shots aren’t free but seem to be available.



As a matter of fact I took my mother on a recent Saturday to Walgreen’s, we were waited on right away and the procedure was quick and the pharmacist was very courteous. There is a charge for the shots and it ranges from $25 to $30. In many cases you can turn this in to your health insurance and get a refund.

Many of us are lucky enough to have the opportunity to receive flu shots right at the workplace. If you do please take advantage of it. I always find it amazing that some of my co-workers (day job) don’t read their e-mails and didn’t know that free flu shots were available.

I work hard at staying well. I wash my hands every time I feel I should and always use hot water and soap. Aren’t you surprised by the number of adults that you run into in the rest room who don’t wash their hands? Or don’t use soap. Yuk. As soon as I come in from interacting with strangers, shopping, banking, I always wash before I eat .

During this time of year I load up on the vitamin C and always take a multi-vitamin. Please keep chicken soup in the cabinet, it really works, and if you feel like you’re sick, stay home. Get plenty of rest and try to keep your stress level down. Your main goal is to keep your immune system in good working order. Don’t expose your germs to the rest of the workplace and make everyone else sick. If you receive a certain amount of sick days each year as a part of your benefits package please don’t use all of them for rest and relaxation, save a few in case you are really sick.

Remember the days when you got a sick day for each month? And you were allowed to accumulate your sick days from year to year? At many companies those days are long gone. Maybe too many people were using the sick time as vacation time.

For many of us this is the time of year to select your benefits. Please take a good look at your choices or the choices of your spouse. I’ve noticed that co-pays and deductibles are going up. If you have the opportunity to set aside pre-tax dollars for over the counter drugs, contacts, eyeglasses and general health items, do it. The funds are applied to a debit card and you can use the money as you need it.

Make sure to think about what you want to do during the year that is health related and know what will be approved, and what won’t. If you’re planning for braces or elective surgery, be sure to set the money aside for it. Typically if you don’t use these funds by year-end you lose them.

Watch out shaking hands and stay away from people you think are sick. Stay well.

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