Let’s march, then what do we do?

We have marched over the years, and highlighted a multitude of problems that had relegated Blacks to the status of second-class citizens. A number of problems have been addressed and at a point in time in this nation a number of people who looked different than us were arm in arm with us, but the nation’s mood has changed among too many Blacks and Whites.

I have been a witness and a participant in so many marches that I have lost count. The marchers numbered from two to numbers that were staggering, but regretfully once the marching, speech making and high fives were over, the problems we marched for still existed. It reminds you of the statement that rap with no map does not change anything.


I discarded my marching shoes a number of years ago for the simple reason that we marched and went back home and did no follow-up. I was in a meeting last Saturday where a nationwide march is being planned to descend on Washington, D.C., Jan. 10, 2010 to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the WPA, and hopefully, resurrect it. I am totally aware of the staggering unemployment problem in America, particularly in the Black community, but I question the wisdom and the expense of going to D.C. It is my belief that instead of chartering buses and flying, riding trains and driving we should hold the marches locally. Every city across this nation should demonstrate the same day, but for once in our life let’s have a follow up plan instead of just feeling good.

If the government is going to create jobs what kind will they be? Will they be dead-end jobs where you just get a check for several months or will they be meaningful jobs that enable you to provide for yourself and family on a long-term basis? Will the people—you and I—have any input about the type of jobs or will those who have never made a genuine attempt to improve the job situation make the decisions once again?

There are a tremendous number of organizations, but among them are a number of concerned groups that must come together and focus on what continues to divide us. All of my adult life I have believed and articulated these words—“the absolute solution to our problems lie in our hearts and mind, not necessarily in foundation money.”

There are those who believe that it’s too late to turn our situations around and just ignore them. We must make up our minds that the negatives can be reversed. However, we have to focus on the positives. It is mandatory that you and I begin to live out the established fact that people power is real and we are the people.

Please remember Kingsley Association.

(Louis “Hop” Kendrick is a weekly contributor to the Forum Page.)

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