(NNPA)—Dear Gwendolyn:
My fiancee called me last week to cancel our wedding plans.
She explained that unless she can invite 500+ people, she won’t marry.
My mother is concerned I have the wrong girl.
Gwendolyn, my fiancee has big plans and I feel if I cannot give her what she wants, I will lose her.—Jeremiah
Dear Jeremiah:
The question you should ask yourself is, "Lose her now or lose her later?"
Let me tell you this: Your mother is correct. When couples begin a marriage with massive debt, love fades away.
With the country experiencing a struggling economy, the last thing a man needs is a woman who cannot be reasonable and understanding.
Go ahead, tell your fiancee to cancel the wedding plans and don’t bother to ever replan, not with you.
Jeremiah, think about it. A new year is approaching so be smart. Don’t drag her into it.
(Single ladies, find your Prince in the new year. Read Gwen’s New Orange Shoes…To order go to website: www.gwenbaines.com or write to her at: P.O. Box 10066, Raleigh, N.C. 27605-0066 or e-mail her at: gwenbaines@hotmail.com.)