New Pittsburgh Courier

‘Love Your Life’

Around your house, time is precious.

While it’s true that you’ve got home appliances your great-grandma only dreamed about—an automatic washer and dryer, a microwave, a water heater, an automatic coffee maker, and a cookstove that doesn’t require wood to work—you still can’t manage to sit down for 10 minutes without thinking of 10 things that need doing.

Fun? Who has time for anything fun?

You do, when you grab “Love Your Life,” the latest compilation from “O,” the Oprah Magazine. This book pares down dozens of magazines into one hard-cover volume of important, useful, relevant articles that you can genuinely use—quick.

Time is money around your home, and there’s undoubtedly precious little of either. In this book, you’ll see how two families make the best of their grocery budgets, and you’ll learn that gardening may be one of the most productive (and most fun) ways to spend your summertime.

There’s never a good time to get sick, either physically or emotionally. With the information in this book, you’ll learn how to avoid cell phone dangers, menopausal miseries, and extra pounds this year. You’ll also learn a great come-back for kids who are teased, you’ll find out how to band together with other parents for support, and you’ll see how shedding excess in your life can actually keep you healthier.

Is it time to shore up your finances? You’ll find lots of information from Suze Orman in this book, as well as tips on savoring small treats and tiny indulgences, learning to embrace a “just in time” mentality, respecting your possessions, understanding power, and embracing change.

And maybe you should start changing by adding a little more YOU-time in your life. Find out what dating 2010-Style means for men, women, and the way relationships are formed. Read a story about a vision one woman keeps in her heart. Read a grief-stricken story of soldiers who left fleeting angel-trails. Laugh over stories of animals that seem more human than some humans. And cry over a woman who said good-bye to her best friend.

Got a stack of unread magazines next to your easy chair and no time to page through them? You can throw them away now, because everything you need is in “Love Your Life!”

Filled with the kind of articles and interviews you’ve come to expect from Winfrey’s magazine, “Love Your Life!” offers advice, tips, and information that almost any woman can use. Each article is quick-to-read and easily browse-able, which means that you can absorb information or be entertained in as little as five minutes. Best of all is that there’s something missing: ads.

If you’re pressed for time yet you still crave your magazine reading, “Love Your Life!” is time well-spent.

(“Love Your Life!” from the Editors of O, The Oprah Magazine, Oxmoor House, $29.95, 320 pages, includes index)

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