Black History Month, what about the others?

As you read this week’s column, ask yourself does it pertain to you? What real significance or impact does Black History really have in your life? Is there really any relevance or is it just fashionable to have skits about prominent Black men and women of yesteryear to give you a temporary good feeling?


What will be your participation in improving the quality of life for Blacks across Allegheny County after February, Black History Month? Have you given it any thought?

Will the largest block of independent Black men and women (preachers) put aside their denominations and personal feelings about others of the cloth and concentrate on God’s greatest commandment, which is love? The freedom movement started in the church and slowed down for reasons listed above. However, it has always been my conviction that if we are to maximize our potential of growth in faith, family, friends, communities, schools and turn the negative factors around that threaten our very existence, then all religious institutions must be born again and begin to do what they profess they were called by God to do.

At the outset of the column I asked five questions, because I want you to focus on them and remember the old saying, “If the shoe fits.” If the shoe does not fit you then let’s read about some of those who paved the road for us, and hopefully some of their words will inspire us to do more and pave the way for the following generation; too many of them truly need our guidance. I intentionally quoted all men, but definitely not out of disrespect for Black women. It is because the conditions across this nation as it relates to an overwhelming number of young Black males that it is of greater importance that they witness proud Black men.

Powerful and meaningful quotes:

Booker T. Washington: “A sure way for one to lift themselves up is by helping to lift someone else.”

Frederick Douglas: “Power concedes nothing without demands, never has and never will.”

Jesse Jackson: “No man can deprive you of being in control if you use your imagination.”

Jomo Kenyatta: “Our children may learn about heroes of the past but it is our task is to make ourselves architects of the future.”

Marcus Garvey: “If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With self-confidence you have won before you have even started.”

Malcolm X: “Any means necessary, we must pursue our true freedom, political empowerment, promotion at work, excellent schooling for our children with a mixture of passion, perseverance and intelligence.”

Muhammad Ali: “People will know you are serious when you produce.”

Bill Gray: “It is important to sit on the bus and even drive the bus, but it is the ultimate when you can raise the capital to own the bus.”

A.G. Gaston: “One way to provide against the onslaught of poverty is the recognition of the power of the mind. You can if you believe you can.”

Toussaint Louverture: “I am somebody. I am a lovable and worthy person. I am generous, intelligent and creative.”

Honorable Louis Farrakhan: “That which makes humans divine is our ability to reason with one another on the basic of truth.”

The above are all profound statements by Black men who have proven by words and deeds they care.

Please remember Kingsley needs your financial support.

(Louis “Hop” Kendrick is a weekly contributor to the Forum page.)

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