(NNPA)—Dear Gwendolyn: My wife left me with two small children. At the time she left, the children were age 10 and 12. That was five years ago. Immediately after she left, I was laid off from a good paying job. I was forced to move in with my parents. My mother especially has been so great in helping me with the children. My daughter is now 17 and my son is 15. My son likes sports, but his sister seems to like nothing. I had her in private school so that she could have a chance to meet a better class of people.
Gwendolyn, this is my problem: My daughter ran away from home six months ago. She apparently met a man that has her walking the streets. It hurts me so badly. My mother and I went two weeks ago where we had heard she was. My mother cried as she cursed both of us out. I’m tired and I am going to let her go. Since having to deal with her corrupt ways, I have developed a heart condition.—Jim
Dear Jim: I hate to hear of any mother deserting her children. Even when the marriage is bad most women will leave, but only with their children. I congratulate you for apparently seemingly to do a grand job of being both mother and father.
Let me tell you this: Some girls are just a bad seed. Putting a child into private school is no guarantee the child will turn out to be good. Think about it. Bad girls and bad boys are in private schools as well.
Take care of your health. Your daughter may come to realize her downfalls and shapes up her life. You know that you have done all that is possible to help her at this point. I know you are tired, but Jim, just in case she finds her way back home—leave the lights on.
(Do you have a son or grandson age 10-17? Help him to choose college not jail. Order DECISIONS In The Life Of A Growing Male Youth. Send $14.95 + $4 S/H to: Nevada Publishing Co., P.O. Box 10066, Raleigh, N.C. 27605-0066. Got a problem, email her at: [email protected] or write to her at address above (to receive a reply, send a self-addressed stamped envelope.)