Open letter to President Obama Gay marriage: The debate continues

by Pastor Bobby Scott

With all due respect, Mr. President, your position to advocate redefining marriage is dangerously wrong. If I may, please let me, as carefully as I can, clarify my position so that I am not misunderstood as a hate-mongering bigot.


The Bible teaches that God made male and female equal, in His likeness, and different by design so that a male and a female could unite in one flesh and procreate. Even atheists agree that any definition of marriage must include a male and female. Today, those affirming marriage between a male and female are not trying to discriminate against anyone’s rights. They are seeking valid compelling answers to the questions: why change the definition of marriage? And on what moral basis should it be changed?

Contrary to the contention of the left, love alone is not enough to validate the radical position of overthrowing the God-given, ageless definition of marriage. If love is the sole criterion for marriage, then would the left call all Americans who oppose polygamy hatemongers who want to deny polygamists their right to happiness? All societies must place some boundaries around the definition of marriage, and no modern society has so radically sought to alter that definition as America today.

Second, as an African-American, I am stunned that you would cloak gay marriage with the heritage of civil rights. The legal protection that homosexuals have today strongly argues against any need to classify homosexuals as a group that warrants the special legal attention granted to Blacks through the civil rights movement. Yes, it is evil when homosexuals are bullied and attacked for being gay. BUT what court (for that matter job, school, media outlet, etc.) in America would not prosecute such perpetrators of that bigotry with anything less than the full weight of the law? How does that remotely compare to the smiling-in-court, cigar smoking, celebrating murderers of Emmett Till who walked out of court FREE?! It is simply wrong-headed to try to equate the legal status of both groups.

Finally, Mr. President, as a professing Christian, you should know from the Gospel that while Jesus loves all sinners (homosexuals & heterosexuals), He is also Holy and He does not allow sinners of any to sort define what is right in their own eyes. Jesus calls all sex outside of the monogamous covenant union of marriage between one man and one woman sin. Jesus’ loving response to sinners was to pay the debt that we never could and to give His righteousness to all who believe in Him as a gift of His grace. So any heterosexual or homosexual who turns from their sin to trust exclusively in Him, Jesus will save.

Mr. President, I pray that you will see the error of your decision and reaffirm what you once said you believed and all the cultures of human history have affirmed—marriage is the covenant union designed (not evolved) by God between one man and one woman.

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