My boyfriend has an ‘off again, on again’ personality!





Dear Gwendolyn:
I have been dating my boyfriend for four years.  Every time I decide to break off the relationship, he acts nice, really nice. Then, within less than six months, he is back to his selfish ways again. People tell me to stick with him, but I am doubtful that he will ever act right and be nice. You know…like some women’s husbands who are shiny like gold.
Please, please.  What should I do?—Angeline
Dear Angeline:
You do not have to repeat “please” to get my attention.  I am the only person to open my mail. However, I do have a staff but they do not handle items of personal concerns.  Whenever someone writes to me, it stays with me.
Let me tell you this: Don’t waste too much time on this gentleman, or should I even call him a gentleman?  Some people have a strange sense of humor. In other words, they have a nasty attitude. Usually, that strange personality never changes.  He has proven to you his true identity. You have no other choice except to let him go.
Stop comparing him with other men because you are not in the midst of those other men.  You only see them in public with their wives, and of course, they seem happy and you think they are gold.  Take note to this:  All those men are not nice—not all of them.  Some of those wives can attest that the only true shine her husband has is that cheap piece of gold branded on—his front teeth.
(Got a problem, email Gwen at: [email protected] or write to her at P.O. Box 10066, Raleigh, N.C. 27605-0066.  To receive a reply, send a self-addressed stamped envelope .Visit her website at:

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