Letter To The Editor…Peduto’s been the champion for our community



Dear Editor:

If we had believed all the horrid, negative TV ads put out by right wing media advertisers against President Obama last year, he would not have been re-elected. Fortunately we saw through the false rhetoric. We now have Republican media operatives working against Bill Peduto to manipulate the minds of African-American voters. Disappointingly, some African-American voters are blindly drinking the poisoned Kool Aid fed through TV and mailings, believing the falsehoods that Peduto did not support Homewood and the Hill District. Seriously folks? Have we forgotten the lessons we learned just last year about ads? They can be purchased lies. The statements about Bill indeed have been lies.

As we get increasingly bombarded with these crazy, negative ads against Bill, recall what Mitt Romney operatives tried to do to Obama. Recall that these Republican led commercials “swift boated” John Kerry from the Presidency, giving us eight years of George W. Bush. Who is paying for the negative, misleading mayoral campaign ads—Wagner supporters. And know that the Black vote is critical, and those ads are directed to play with the minds of Black voters. I urge Black voters to once again, engage in discernment for truth, and not be played for your vote.

Bill Peduto and Ed Gainey worked to hold the current construction of the Homewood Senior Apartments. Why? Because the developer wasn’t hiring Black contractors or construction workers from the community, a slap in the face to Homewood. There wasn’t even consensus in the community for this project. You see, Bill Peduto’s platform mandates that there be community input and support for community projects. That’s called “respect.” He was always on board in support of the Hill District Consensus Group’s parking fee initiative to support the continuing development of the Hill. And, he was the only candidate who even responded to the Hill District Ministerial Alliance’s questionnaire. He fought the proliferation of predatory lenders in East Liberty, which strip wealth from the community. Go Bill! Thanks for supporting Black communities!

So what’s wrong with Bill Peduto disagreeing with others on council? No­thing, that’s called democracy. I certainly was never a rubber stamp while an elected official, and neither is Bill. He is there to serve the people effectively. Bill is truly battle tested, a warrior, and the strongest candidate, having been in the race from the beginning instead of when it was politically convenient. Go Bill! Fight the good fights on behalf of the entire city!

Bill Peduto is endorsed by the Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers because he’s on the right side of urban education. I cannot comment about Wagner’s stances on education. His website is vague. I remember his stances in the 80s to early 90s. He opposed busing of students for integration purposes and building consolidation from Gladstone and Fifth Avenue High School to Brashear High School in his district. ‘Nuf said. Go Bill! You are trusted to lead in urban education!

Reality check. There will not be a Black mayor elected this year. Unfortunately, Jake Wheatley got in the race much too late to have a viable campaign. The PG reported that Jake received $10,000 from Luke Ravenstahl, who is also spending his million-dollar campaign chest to support Jack Wagner in those misleading anti-Peduto ads. A vote for Jake Wheatley is indeed a vote for Jack Wagner.

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