NEW YORK (AP)—This holiday season, Americans may not spend their green unless they see more red.
Despite signs that the economy is improving, big store chains like Wal-Mart and Kohl’s don’t expect Americans to have much holiday shopping cheer unless they see bold, red signs that offer huge discounts. As a result, shoppers are seeing big sales events earlier and more often than in previous holiday seasons.
Retailers are trying to lure shoppers like Marissa Anwar, who has been doing more bargain hunting compared with last year.
The operations consultant, who lives in Toronto and New York City, said the economy “hasn’t been great” and she’s lost clients. As a result, she cut her shopping budget to $2,800 from last year’s $4,000.
“I was a former ‘spend-aholic,’’’said Anwar, 29. “Now, I want to make sure I have the money before I spend it.”