New Pittsburgh Courier

Lifestyles Report: Don’t change Black Friday


I can only tolerate so much. Christmas music started playing in stores the day after Halloween, Christmas trees have been on Display for about a month and now Black Friday is going to start on a Thursday. This is more than I can take. Can’t we keep some traditions as they were? Everything is rushed and moved around just for the benefit of retailers. Trust and believe, I can accept change when change is good, but some changes just don’t make sense. I would like to enjoy each holiday one at a time.
Do you know not one child was on my street for Halloween this year? Perhaps it was due to the rainy chilly night. Or maybe more kids were tricking and treating at the mall or in a confined “safe place” with lights.
It seemed like Thanksgiving was one of the holidays that had not been touched and then there appeared a list of stores that are going to be open while we are carving the turkey. Dollar General is going to open at 7 a.m., Toys R US at 5 p.m. and Michael’s Craft Store will open the doors at 4 p.m. Kmart will open at 6 a.m. and Old Navy will open from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m., close for a bit and then reopen at 7 until 11:59. Many stores will then open at midnight when it will officially be Black Friday.
To me this takes the fun out of Black Friday. For me the fun was getting up early driving to the stores in the dark at 4 a.m. to be the first to get my free snow globe from J.C. Penny. This year I don’t even care about getting up for the snow globe or anything that is on sale. I can’t think of a thing that I need except some rest. Are they selling that anywhere?
It seems anywhere you want to shop on Thursday you will be able to do that. Macy’s, Kohl’s, Sears, Staples and Target will all be open. I don’t think I will be a face in the crowd this year. There is nothing that I need and I don’t want to go out there looking for something just to have it and say I got it on Black Friday.  So this year I’m going to try and be strong and stay home and enjoy the day. If you see me out there shopping please know that I have fell off the wagon once again.
Now that I think back, my mother used to always forget something on Thanksgiving and I was the one that had to get in the car and go and find some rolls, butter, Jell-O or stuffing. That used to drive me crazy. I would drive around the city and by the time I was sent on my mission, the real grocery stores had closed and only convenience stores were open and everything was sold out and overpriced.
OMG I just forgot I went shopping last year on Thursday night. Lord please forgive me.
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