Stargell MVP Banquet gets judged to the highest standards

JUDGE REGGIE B. WALTON  Keynote speaker
Keynote speaker

On Dec. 7, men and women dressed to impress as they gathered at the Wyndham Pittsburgh University Center in Oakland to celebrate the Willie “Pops” Stargell MVP Banquet. Champion Enterprises and Five Starr Corp. hosted the event.
Proceeds from the banquet benefit the annual “Toys For Champions,” which provides toys, clothing and canned goods to families in need, and its safe summer programs.
CHILD ATHLETES HONORED—Members of the Penn Hills Eagles Track Club. (Photos by J.L. Martello)
CHILD ATHLETES HONORED—Members of the Penn Hills Eagles Track Club. (Photos by J.L. Martello)

The keynote speaker was top MVP awardee United States District Judge Reggie B. Walton.
Walton deserves a ton of credit for the message he delivered.  He did a masterful job of challenging and squeezing the most out of every student athlete in attendance.  Letting them know that academic is where their greatest chance to succeed.
YOUTH ATHLETES—From left: Dennis Briggs Jr., Jordan Maben, Gabrielle Egler, Charles Calabrese, Tyrell Hill and Jarred Brevard
YOUTH ATHLETES—From left: Dennis Briggs Jr., Jordan Maben, Gabrielle Egler, Charles Calabrese, Tyrell Hill and Jarred Brevard

“Commit yourself to excellent. Through hard work, dedication and God you can achieve what I’ve done or anything you want to do,” said Walton. “We tend to put all our eggs into the sports basket. Most never play professionally and even if you do, the average career is only three or four years, so at the age of 25 or 26 you are going to need your education to fall back on.”

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