These monthly pages focus on health disparities in the Pittsburgh region. They educate readers about key health issues and inform them of research opportunities and community resources. All articles can be viewed online at the New Pittsburgh Courier Web site. The monthly series is a partnership of the New Pittsburgh Courier, Community PARTners (a core service of the University of Pittsburgh Clinical and Translational Science Institute—CTSI), the Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh and the UPMC Center for Inclusion.
This month the “Take Charge of Your Health” page focuses on HIV/AIDS. Jessica Griffin Burke, PhD, associate professor of behavioral and community health sciences at the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health, and Esther L. Bush, president and CEO of the Urban League, sat down to talk about HIV/AIDS.
JGB: Thank you for talking with me. I’m saddened every time I see the statistic that close to half of all new HIV cases in the U.S. are among African Americans. What are your thoughts about this month’s health topic?