The Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame gets quite a bit of well deserved criticism from lots of folks (including me) for it’s undefinable and corrupt induction process. However for all of the talk, few of these commentators have ever paid a visit to the RRHOF museum.
Nevertheless the museum itself is probably one of the very best institutions in Amerika about Amerika. (the good, the bad and the ugly)
There is so much about our country that is “good” (but is really bad) and so much about our country that is “bad” (but is really good).
At the end of the day Amerika is an imperfect place, which despite its worst instincts, remains in a constant internal battle with itself to attempt to achieve a level of perfection that it desperately wants. The end result is a kind of “self-correcting mechanism” that seems to work, although usually not within the time frame that would help the original victims. In other words, eventually we usually “get it right.”
And the RRHOF is a perfect representation of all of the above contradictions.
I got into a conversation with someone the other day with someone and it made me think about the following report that I filed shortly after I paid a visit to Cleveland a few years ago…