Take Charge of Your Health Today. Be Informed. Be Involved…Oral Health


These monthly pages focus on health disparities in the Pittsburgh region. They educate the reader about key health issues and inform them about research opportunities and community resources. All articles can be accessed online at the New Pittsburgh Courier Web site. The monthly series is a partnership of the New Pittsburgh Courier, Community PARTners (a core service of the University of Pittsburgh’s Clinical and Translational Science Institute—CTSI), the Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh and the UPMC Center for Engagement and Inclusion.
This month, the “Take Charge of Your Health Today” page focuses on oral health—understanding how both teeth and gum health relate to our overall health and the range of resources available here in Allegheny County. Maria Catrina D. Jaime, MPH, CPH, research coordinator with Community PARTners, and Esther L. Bush, president and CEO of the Urban League, sat down to talk about the importance of healthy teeth and gums.
MCDJ: Good morning, Ms. Bush. It’s a privilege to get this opportunity to talk with you about one of my favorite topics in public health—oral health. As topics were chosen for each month’s health segment, you thought it was important to highlight oral health in February. The American Dental Association (ADA) sponsors this month as National Children’s Dental Health Month. Having a whole month dedicated to dental health helps increase awareness about oral health and why this is an important issue for the African American community and its youth.

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