New Pittsburgh Courier

Lifestyles Report…'Losing Ten in Ten'


They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result. So call me insane. I was eating as much as I wanted, and somehow expecting to lose weight and lower my cholesterol. Needless to say it did not work.
I was watching Dr. Oz, buying raspberry ketones, drinking weight loss smoothies and considering liposuction. I joined one of the biggest weight loss groups and for a minute I counted points. That was not fun to me. My dream was for Tommy Europe to show up at my front door and say, “Give me the last ten pounds.” Then one day I was in the Giant Eagle and picked up a flyer that talked about losing 10 in 10. Ten pounds in 10 weeks or 10 percent of your body weight, the flyer said I would meet with a dietician each week. The cost was $90.
I had just been to a doctor that is heard on the radio each week, sat and listened to his spill, and he told me that I was very overweight and for a mere $1,800 he could guarantee that I would lose no less than 20 pounds.
I gave him the $27 for the assessment and ran for the door. I mentioned this to my doctor and he said try the deal at the grocery store. During the very first week I was weighed and told that in order to lose I would have to reduce my calorie intake. Now that was an ah ha moment. I thought the national average of 2,000 was what I should have each day. That will not work if you want to lose and the dietician told me that.
One of the best things that came out of the class was an introduction to an app called “My fitness pal.” I loaded it on my phone and it truly has been my friend, it even counts my steps.  Once I keyed in my stats and my goals it told me I could have 1,200 calories per day. In the eight weeks I have been using it and attending the class I have lost 8 pounds. I’m right on track. My clothes are even fitting better, no more truck driver portions, no more Cheetos in bed and now I am acutely aware of what I am going to eat and when.
I also picked up a book called “400 Calorie Fix” it works on the 1,200 calories a day principle; it is fantastic and a perfect companion to my mission.  The class I am attending at Giant Eagle will soon end, but you can still meet with their dieticians. Mine is Lisa Matt and she is great. Look for the sign at the Market District Giant Eagle’s.
On a different note:
Own a small business in Pittsburgh? Then join Melinda Emerson “SmallBizLady” for a free Marketing Success Seminar on July 24 to learn business-building strategies, tips and techniques all geared towards increasing your productivity and business success. Space is limited, register at:
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