Photos of Atlanta protest rally of Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson

Despite a battalion of menacing storm clouds formed overhead, an endless river of mostly African Americans marched downtown under dark spitting clouds to protest of the shooting death of unarmed teen Michael Brown in suburban St. Louis that’s attracted international media attention.
Atlanta joined other major metropolises from Georgia to New York and beyond who flooded the major arteries leading into the downtowns despite the presence of electrical storms threatening to unleash its wrath upon the masses up and down the Eastern Seaboard.protest7
More than 1,000 marchers streamed down Marietta Street chanting, “No justice, no peace,” and “I am Mike Brown.”
A flier by the Atlanta rally organizers stated: “Ask the world, ‘How good must we look to be considered innocent?’”  the flyer reads.
For days, protests and marches have sparked all across the country, pushing hashtags such as #BeyondFerguson, #DontShoot, #ItsBiggerThanYou, #JusticeForMikeBrown, and more.
On Thursday, major cities including New York City, Atlanta, Los Angles, Boston, New Orleans and Chicago all held moments of silence for the slain teen.
That same night, a massive march took place in New York that “shut down Times Square,” according to the Daily Mail. 
An independent autopsy revealed that Brown was shot six times, quite possibly with his hands up, by white Ferguson Police Department’s Darren Wilson which has inspired upheaval, violent confrontations between police and demonstrators and prompted Missouri’s governor to call in the National Guard.
President Obama has spoken on the matter and the U.S. Department of Justice is conducting its own autopsy and parallel investigation into the circumstances leading up to the shooting.

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