New Pittsburgh Courier

Inside Conditions…High Times

Steelers Arrested Football
From left are Pittsburgh Steelers running backs Le’Veon Bell, in a July 30, 2014, file photo, and Steelers’ LeGarrette Blount, in a Sept. 10, 2013, file photo, when he was with the New England Patriots. Police have filed marijuana possession charges against Bell and Blount following a traffic stop. Police in the Pittsburgh suburb of Ross Township say a motorcycle officer pulled over Bell’s Chevrolet Camaro when he smelled marijuana coming from it about 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2014. (AP Photo/File)

Pittsburgh Steelers running backs Le’Veon Bell and LeGarrette Blount apologized last Thursday night concerning the charges facing them for marijuana possession.
Bell and Blount were stopped last Wednesday afternoon after a Ross Township police officer allegedly smelled marijuana coming from the Camaro that Bell was driving.
Blount had this to say; “I’m sorry for the distraction that I caused my team. I just want to apologize to my team and my coach and my organization for causing that distraction.”
Let’s really, really switch gears, no let’s change vehicles for a few hours.
If Le’Veon Bell wants to take a toke or two and if LeGarrete Blount wants to bust a “blunt,” well I no longer partake but hey….what the heck.
Aubrey Bruce

I must explain why my attitude toward the “smokers, jokers and real life tokers” is so cavalier. The real reason why I am not trippin, flippin, or hatin toward Blount or Bell is because earlier before my life evolved into “sainthood,” I had a serious “hookah” in my crib as part of my “ganga” arsenal.
Yeah, boys’ and girls’ I was once a charter member of the midnight “tokers” club and I did inhale because as much as I had to pay for an ounce of “Acapulco Gold” ya better know it, I was going to inhale. I got mine in along with a few shots of gin. But in the end, I did not hurt anyone but me and I turned out to be okay.
But digggg….this.  This role model crap is just that. As long as these athletes perform on the field then everyone should shut their freakin mouth.
In an article written by Jeff Rosen and Charlie McLravy for published on June 16, 2014 titled: ‘Is your doctor stoned? Physicians with substance abuse problems continue to work.’ The authors expose drug abuse by those that we trust with far more than just scoring a touchdown.  This is alleged drug abuse by those whom we trust with our very lives.
The authors write that; “We trust doctors with our lives. They’re supposed to take care of us. But physicians are only human.  Government studies indicate at least 100,000 doctors — or about one in 10 currently working — is addicted to drugs or alcohol. Some are performing surgeries while stoned, injuring and even killing unsuspecting patients, according to TODAY national investigative correspondent Jeff Rossen, who found numerous cases of doctors busted for substance abuse.
“There are doctors out there right now under the influence of prescription narcotics as we speak, putting patients at risk,” said Dr. Stephen Loyd, a Tennessee doctor speaking from personal experience.“At my worst I was doing 100 pills a day, Vicodin mainly, all while seeing patients,” he told Rossen. Loyd, who has been clean for 10 years said,” it still scares him to think about that period in his life.”
Wait a minute, was Dr. Loyd’s quote a misprint? Did he say? “At my worst I was doing 100 pills a day, Vicodin mainly all while seeing patients.”  Yes  he did. The article goes on to profile another, Dr Get High. “Dr. Christopher Duntsch once billed himself as “the best neurosurgeon in Dallas.” That’s not what many of his former patients think.  Jeff Cheney went in for what he says Duntsch told him was a routine back surgery. He woke up partially paralyzed. “It’s my understanding he was under the influence while performing surgeries,” Cheney asserted.
Cheney claims Duntsch was stoned while operating on him and removed part of his spinal cord. “He turned me from a strong, healthy man into a crippled man, ”he said.” Where is the discussion around the water cooler  about these doctors been fired or suspended?
Quit worrying about what penalties the NFL will eventually dish out to LeVeon Bell and LeGarrette Blount. What punishment is the AMA, (American Medical Association) and America going to slap these alleged rogue doctors with for jeopardizing human lives?  That is totally, totally freakin insane.  eople’s lives, families lives, communities lives are according to Dr. Loyd  are continuing to be threatened by “legalized junkies”  who have taken the “Hypocritical” oops, I meant to say Hippocratic oath to treat and take care of those who have entrusted them with their lives.
These are the scum of the earth armed with white coats and medical degrees and they are getting away with murder and maiming. Wait don’t forget what they do is still less important than scoring the winning touchdown or sinking that victorious three pointer, right?  There are no motorcycle cops hangin out like carrion crows at a bird feeder that will ever be given the liberty to barge into an operating room invading the privacy and privilege of doctors and patients, possibly interrupting a life and death surgical procedure to arrest a physician suspected of drug abuse because of the odor of Vicodin.
Oh, Charlie Chan so sorry he forget, you can’t smell Vicodin.
The way that these legal addicts ingest so-called accepted substances is far more sterile and heinous than two young athletes smoking a joint.
DUI? What about PMUI? Practicing Medicine Under the Influence. Oh that’s okay, doctors can handle it because they’re doing it under a controlled environment, right?
We trust athletes to provide us with recreation. They’re supposed to fulfill our fantasies us by winning games. But athletes are only human, they want to be happy too. Don’t be greedy pass the joint, my fault.  I meant to say pass the Vicodin, that’s legal.
(The sources for this story were AP and
Aubrey Bruce can be reached at: or 412.583.6741 Follow him on Twitter @ultrascribe

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