MALVERN, Iowa (AP)—As my two-year contract with Verizon came to an end last month, I had to resist the company’s various promotions and discounts.
In accepting the offers, I’d have to give up Verizon’s unlimited data plan, which lets me use the phone’s cellular data connection as much as I want without overage fees. It’s so good that both Verizon and AT&T have been phasing it out. Existing customers have been allowed to keep those plans, but they get kicked out once they accept these offers.
I am paying more to keep my unlimited plan, so I’ll have to explain my reasoning. Whether or not you’re still on an unlimited plan, you’ll have similar things to consider when your phone contract expires.
•Should I keep the unlimited data plan?
AT&T stopped offering unlimited plans to new customers in 2010, and Verizon followed in 2012. An undisclosed number of customers have kept those plans, but once they leave, they aren’t allowed back.