Fashion Designer B Michael & CEO Mark-Anthony Edwards of b michael AMERICA Named 'New Abolitionist'

b michael AMERICA New Abolitionist
B Michael & Mark-Anthony Edwards

NEW YORK /PRNewswire/ — American Fashion Designer B Michael & CEO Mark-Anthony Edwards of b michael AMERICA have been named one of New York’s “New Abolitionists” by the Sanctuary for Families and the New York State Anti-Trafficking Coalition. B Michael & Mr. Edwards were honored at The Paley Center for Media in New York City on Dec. 2nd 2014 for their efforts to combat human trafficking in New York State.
A great moment during the evening was a compelling performance of “A Day in the Life” inspired by the experiences of real girls written by Katie Cappiello, directed by KatieCappiello & Meg Mclnerney, and developed with The Arts Effects All-Girl Theater Company.
“We are honored and humbled to be included in this incredible group of people, unified in our commitment to eradicating human trafficking,” B Michael & Mr. Edwards said. “Thousands of vulnerable young trafficking victims will remain trapped in the hellish life they were coerced into until our laws hold their evil predators accountable. And most importantly, we have to give victims the support and services they need to break free of their exploitation and begin to rebuild their lives.”
Others joining B Michael & Mr. Edwards in “New York’s New Abolitionists” program, designed to raise awareness through a traveling exhibit of individual photo portraits of the group taken by renowned photographer Lynn Savarese, includes a number of prominent New Yorkers such as Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance, Jr., Executive Director, Coalition Against Trafficking in Women Taina Bien-Aime, Michael Bloomberg and Diana Taylor, Television and Movie Producer Debra Martin Chase, Fashion Designer Diane von Furstenberg and Comedians Tina Fey and Seth Meyers…among many others.  To see full list please visit:

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