Just Sayin’…Should the Rendevous Phase III be shut down?

I have a problem with that. A small business is struggling to keep its doors open, and a week or two without business, no income coming in hurts big time. The electric bill still has to be paid. The heating bill still has to be paid, as does the water. And if the building isn’t paid for, rent or mortgage will be due at the first of the month. Also add to this the fact that employees are now without jobs.
In case you don’t know, some fool entered Phase III with a concealed gun that for some reason security didn’t detect when they searched him. Customers saw the weapon on his leg and informed security guards who approached the man, which led to him killing one guard and wounding the other. Police captured the man who allegedly did the shooting.
Now I ask. What fool enters a bar with a gun, and even after being approached by security doesn’t just turn and leave? Or when approached simply leave the bar? But instead this fool kills one young man who was simply doing his job and wounds a young woman. If convicted he should never walk outside the prison gates again.
So why are we trying to punish the bar owner? He did nothing wrong. He hired two people as security, which had to add to his expenses big time. Yet people are talking about shutting him down because of some of the fools in Homewood.
Homewood could be one of the most prosperous communities in the city with the flat land and some really beautifully buildings. But because of young fools running around with guns robbing and shooting it has become one of the worst in the city.
It’s like a war zone and I feel sorry for the hard working majority of people living there, because it’s getting harder to run out to a local fast food or restaurant to eat. I don’t think there are any. And that’s a double edge sword, because if there are no McDonald’s, Wendy’s, KFC, Subway, or small no name food place then the community people who would be working at these establishments are now unemployed, just like the employees of Phase III if they shut down permanently.
I commend the many small businesses like Dorsey’s who have hung in there during these bad times, hoping that one day, these fools will be driven out of Homewood and into prisons where they belong.
Much like the Westerns we use to watch as kids, where the bad guys would take over a town and anyone who spoke out something bad happened to them. And the only way those towns got rid of these bad guys was to band tougher, and that is the case with Homewood and other communities like it. I know that some of these bad guys are our own sons, neighbors, grandsons, husbands, boyfriends, but something has to be done to get them off the streets, and shutting down businesses is not the answer. We need all the businesses we can get in the Black community.
And please don’t tell me these people are doing this because they don’t have jobs, because there would be far more jobs in Homewood, and other Black neighborhoods if the thugs, hoodlums and fools were off the streets. If more of our young men and women looked toward building a business in the Black community and if we as Black people supported them with our dollars there would be more jobs. We really don’t have to look to the White man for everything. A new group called the Homewood-Brushton Association is one such group looking to expand the business community in Homewood.
So I say again. No, Phase III should not be shut down for one single day. We have a young man who was shot dead who Phase III was employing. And a young woman who was hospitalized, who was being employed by Phase III. No. We need to shut these fools, thugs, and hoodlums down.
My condolences go out to the family and friends of Deion Nesbitt, just 24 years old, his adult life had just started now he’s dead, and the female guard fortunately was only grazed, all because of a fool with a gun. Where are the protests?

Deon Nesbitt (Facebook Photo)
Deon Nesbitt (Facebook Photo)

(Ulish Carter is the managing editor of the New Pittsburgh Courier.)
Letter To The Editor…Don’t forget the true history of ‘The Phase’

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