New Pittsburgh Courier

To Tell The Truth…No togetherness among Black leaders = limited progress


I often find the need to remind people that don’t really know me of my background and experiences. There are a number who have the best intentions, but oft times they deal in theory or something that they have read in books.
I was born in church in 1931 and have been active all of my life, so when I criticize church or the ministers I do it from within. I was initiated into politics in 1949 and have remained active and once again I find fault with the political process from within. It is my contention that the modern church has become overly consumed with an emphasis on denominations and being business oriented and less involved with the spiritual growth of the community and congregation. The political process has failed and is currently failing Black people, and the worst tragedy is that those Blacks that we have elected overwhelmingly are overwhelmingly failing the Black citizens.

In Pittsburgh there are 10 Black individuals elected to prominent political positions. There are four Blacks elected to the Pittsburgh Public School Board, and their primary responsibility is to help our children grow in the educational system. The remaining six are elected by members of the Democratic Party and overwhelmingly the majority of them serve the Democratic Party, not the people. Out of the remaining six, only two have ever attacked the Democratic bosses for the mistreatment of Blacks and they are Allegheny County Councilman William “Bill” Robinson and Pennsylvania state Rep. Jake Wheatley.
It is insulting when colored elected persons often use the weak excuse that they don’t want to expose elected officials because they will be denied access to them. These politicians are totally misguided, because they fail to understand that those modern day slave masters only understand and fear the power of Black unity.
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