In the continuing acts of terrorism against black churches in South Carolina, at least two Clarendon County pastors say they have been targeted with threats of violence because they are women.
The two pastors received letters where the writer used Bible verses to threaten the women, leaving them concerned about their safety. One letter was left on the front door of Society Hill AME Church on Pastor Mary Rhodes.
The string of violence and threats of violence began when deranged psychopath Dylann Roof walked into the Mother Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston, S.C. and shot dead nine parishioners during Bible study.
“Whoever wrote this letter has taken the time to find out who I am which means you may know my children, my grandchildren, and I have no clue who you are” Pastor Rhodes said, according to WISTV.
Four days later after she received her death threat, it was reported that Pastor Valarie Bartley received the same letter at Reevesville AME Church.
The writer identified himself as Apostle Prophet Harry Leon Fleming. He claims that according to the Bible, “woman cannot be head of the man in church, home and the world,” the television station reported.
“A lot of people do not respect female pastors,” Pastor Rhodes relayed. “Sexism in the church has been around for the longest time and it always gets, to my opinion, sort of hidden under the other issues that are there.”
Another church led by a female pastor also received the letter, according to Clarendon County investigators.
Pastor Bartley says she worried about their safety because all three churches are located in rural areas.
“We have great concern about who is doing this and we pray they will stop,” Pastor Bartley said, however noting that she refused to cower to cowards sending threatening nottes. “Nothing is going to stop me from doing what God has called me to do,” Rhodes said, according to the station.