Author's 4th Emmett Till book presents complete historic lynch-trial story

Emmitt Till

(Dr. Clenora Hudson-Weems continues to honor the legacy of Emmitt Till at the 60th Anniversary of the Till Tragedy)
August 17, 2015-Memphis Tennessee: 30 years after the brutal lynching of 14-year-old Emmett Louis Till’s lynching, Clenora Hudson launched her pioneering research as a Doctoral Student at the U of  Iowa, which evolved in her 1988  Ford Doctoral Dissertation, “Emmett Till:  The Impetus of the Modern Civil Rights Movement,”   (later published “Emmett Till:  The Sacrificial Lamb of the Civil Rights Movement” in 1994), thus, establishing Till as the true catalyst of the Civil Rights Movement.
30 years later, we now reflect on the 60th Anniversary of this horrific incident that stunned the world and catapulted us into the Movement. Hudson’s new book, “Emmett–Legacy, Redemption and Forgiveness,” brings her initial research to completion, as we have the story of four seminal players in the Till Murder Case:  Emmett, the victim; Mamie, the mother of Emmett; Rayfield Mooty, the strategist and advisor to Mamie Till; Clenora, the researcher and interpreter and Atty. John Whitten, Jr., the Spirit of Redemption, who changes from a participant by representing the murderers, to a remorseful sympathizer, who spends his life atoning by representing poor Blacks in the state of Mississippi “pro bono.”
Aubrey Bruce, Senior Sports Columnist for the New Pittsburgh Courier says that: “Clenora Hudson Weems is the real deal.  If you want to ingest and digest the real truth behind the Emmett Till Tragedy this newly released work by Dr. Clenora Hudson-Weems will navigate you through this dark and shameful event as well as this chapter of history that can only be defined as “American Apartheid.”

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