New Pittsburgh Courier

George Zimmerman jokes about killing Trayvon Martin


This image taken from a video released by attorney Howard Iken on Wednesday, March 12, 2014, shows George Zimmerman, the former neighborhood watch volunteer who was acquitted of murder for fatally shooting Trayvon Martin, during an interview in Orlando, Fla., on Friday, March 7, 2014. The video was made by Iken who is representing Zimmerman in his divorce. In the video, Zimmerman says he’s trying to be a good person and he thinks he can help others after what he has gone through. (AP Photo/Howard Iken)
This image taken from a video released by attorney Howard Iken on Wednesday, March 12, 2014, shows George Zimmerman, the former neighborhood watch volunteer who was acquitted of murder for fatally shooting Trayvon Martin, during an interview in Orlando, Fla., on Friday, March 7, 2014.  (AP Photo/Howard Iken)

George Zimmerman, the man acquitted in the shooting death of unarmed Florida teen Trayvon Martin, has apparently perfected the art of tough guy tweeting.
The killer-cum-Twitter troll on Thursday threatened someone by raising the specter of Trayvon Martin’s death and insulting the slain teenager in the process.
“I’m sorry I’m a day late for your slapping,” someone tweeted at Zimmerman with a meme labeled “It’s slap-an-idiot Wednesday.”
“We all know how it ended for the last moron that hit me. Give it a whirl cupcake,” Zimmerman responded.
Zimmerman has had a violent and tumultuous run since a jury found him not guilty of second-degree murder or manslaughter in Martin’s death.. He has been arrested multiple times on a variety of violence and weapons charges. He has taken on an air of machismo hubris, stating in March that he doesn’t feel bad about killing the teen because it was part of God’s plan for him.
In a Friday morning Tweet, Zimmerman referred to himself as “teflon.” In others, he expresses dislike for President Barack Obama with oblique insults to the president and Mike Brown, the unarmed Ferguson teenager killed by white police officer Darren Wilson last year. Zimmerman claimed Brown and Vester Flanagan, the man accused of killing two WDBJ reporters on air Wednesday would be Obama’s sons.
The 2012 killing of Trayvon Martin and Zimmerman’s subsequent acquittal sparked nation-wide protests and helped launch what is now the Black Lives Matter movement.

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