New Pittsburgh Courier

Powerball winner Marie Holmes now being sued by pastor for $10 million

More money, more problems.
Infamous Powerball winner Marie Holmes is becoming familiar with that phrase made popular by music mogul Diddy. The South Carolina woman has made national headlines consistently for spending millions of her over $127 million lottery winnings to bail out her boyfriend, who goes by the name “Hotsauce,” on several occasions after being jailed on major felony drug and related charges.

In addition to the extreme backlash she’s received from that episode, she is now being sued by her pastor for allegedly not fulfilling a verbal promise she made to him about helping him build a shelter, Black America Web reports:

The 27-year-old mother of two took home a $127 million lump sum payment following her lottery win in February, 2015.
Pastor Kevin Matthews says he is experiencing emotional and mental distress due to her backing down from a verbal contract they had regarding $1.5 million to purchase land to build a retreat facility.
“Because of the emotional distress and mental stress, they put me through, I had to start taking more medicine for anxiety and depression due to this situation,” says Pastor Kevin Matthews.
Holmes’ attorney, Ruth Sheehan, of The Francis Law Firm, said she was not aware of the situation or the lawsuit. In a recent interview with EURweb, Pastor Matthews says: “God led him to her house and he prayed with her.”
He later met Holmes and ministered to her on several occasions at her new home. He also said he ministered to three other people at her home, and then he eventually asked her to consider giving him money to purchase land to build a retreat. He gave her three different amounts that he needed ($1 million, $1.5 million and $2 million). After several meetings, she agreed to give him $1.5 million to help purchase land to build a retreat center that he says he had been praying about for years.

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