CLEVELAND — Just a month after the Tamir Rice survivors were served an EMS bill in wake of the shooting death of the 12-year-old boy in a playbround, courtesey of Cleveland Police Officer Timothy Loehmann, the city’s EMS captain has been fired after saying that he’s glad the little boy is dead on social media.
Captain Jamie Marquardt took to Facebook on Monday to share his thoughts on the infamous incident.
“Tamir Rice should have been shot and I am glad he is dead,” Marquardt’s post read. “I wish I was in the park that day as he terrorized innocent patrons by pointing a gun at them. I am upset I did not get the chance to kill the little criminal (expletive).”
Rice was needlessly killed in November 2014 while holding a BB gun after Officer Loehmann and partner Frank Garmback responded to an emergency call about a person brandishing a gun in the park, despite the fact that the 911 dispatcher emphasized the suspect was a “juvenile” and that the gun was “probably fake,” but Loehmann still approached and shot Rice without warning.
Marquardt’s claimed that someone else hijacked his social media post and published the incendiary statement.
“Someone…picked up my phone and made some awful posts under my name,” he said. “I want to apologize for those who thought it was me. I do not believe or stand for what was written,” he said according to Fox 8 Cleveland.
Cleveland’s EMS spokesman, Dan Williams, issued a public statement condemning Marquardt’s post, obviously not believing his statement.
“The posts were not acceptable and do not represent the views or standards of the City of Cleveland administration, Department of Public Safety or Division of Emergency Medical Services,” he said in the statement.
Photos: Instagram