Hundreds protest Trump's Pittsburgh rally that drew thousands (Exclusive Photos)
Courier Newsroom
Supporters and protesters go back and forth yelling at each other about why they should and should not support Donald Trump. (Photo by J.L. Martello)
Brittany Smith from Monroeville says she is against Trump’s bigotry holding a sign that reads “NO Trump No Way Love Not Hate.” (Photo by J.L. Martello)
Sharae Hopkins from North side of Pittsburgh holds a #TEAMFETTERMAN sign saying “Refugees Welcome.” (Photo by J.L. Martello) Protesters in the street and supporters on the sidewalk walk through the tunnel of the convention center as police keep order. (Photo by J.L. Martello)
Bria Femi Thomas raises her fist and chants “NO TRUMP NO KKK NO RACIST USA NO TRUMP.” (Photo by J.L. Martello)
Coming together after the protest and rally, Trump supporter Patrick Diguilio from Leechburg and Christian Carter from Highland Park agree to disagree and shake hands in peace no matter who they support. (Photo by J.L. Martello)
Additional information provided by the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police.