Warren Sapp bitten by shark during Florida Keys lobster trip

Warren Sapp (Getty Images/File)
Warren Sapp (Getty Images/File)
MARATHON, Fla. (AP) — Pro Football Hall of Famer Warren Sapp is OK after being bitten on the arm by a shark while catching lobster off the Florida Keys.
A photo posted by a fishing charter boat’s account on Instagram Wednesday appears to show Sapp’s arm with a deep gash.
Charter captain Jack Carlson tells The Tampa Bay Times (https://bit.ly/2awxnI0 ) Sapp was bit while reaching for a lobster the shark was also going after. He says Sapp is OK, but might need stitches. The captain says someone who saw the fish thought it might have been a nurse shark, about 4 feet long.

Sapp posted a picture of the lobster catch on Twitter Wednesday along with a note, “Shark got a little chuck of Me. We got Dinner! #Winning.”

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