Literally, in one tweet, Vice President Mike Pence has set Black History Month back 152 years–– January 31, 1865, to be exact. That is when the 13th Amendment was passed by Congress and Abraham Lincoln “freed” the slaves. Right?
We are only two weeks into this regime and two days into Black History Month. They have to do better!
Pence had the perfect opportunity to connect with African Americans on a more personal level and he completely blew it. Actually, instead of naming notable African American people who made a contribution to this country, he decided to mention the one white man who actually embodies the total opposite of Black history.
If Omarosa is President Donald Trump’s Black History Month honoree and designated Black advisor, then we are in for the worst 28 days ever! Her close involvement also confirms how far removed our leader of the free world is from the actual needs of the Black community.
The Trump administration should have kicked off Black History Month 2017 by visiting the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History & Culture. Maybe Pence can brush up on African American history while he’s there; Betsy DeVos can finally get the educational experience she paid so much money to avoid; and Trump can make good on his promise to visit the Museum. Boom! I killed three sad birds with one big political stone.
Pence should have known that idiotic tweet was not going to go unnoticed. Twitter users, including myself, quickly fired back:
Don’t take Vice President Pence’s tweet and alternative fact as a slap in the face. Instead, look at this as an opportunity to create and continue our own month-long celebration. Black History Month is all year long! Long Live Black History Month!