Don’t loot (Sept. 6, 2017)


Why is it when there is any type of disaster, some people have to loot? In other words, take things that they have not paid for and are not entitled to. There is nothing that I hate more than a liar and a thief, and in most cases these two traits go hand-in-hand. Someone who is low enough to steal will be low enough to lie about it.
I recently heard on the news that people were looting in Texas and some of the looters were caught. There should be an extended sentence for looters. People who steal from others when people are at their lowest point are trash. How would someone even get to somewhere to steal something that has not been destroyed by the water? A lot of donated merchandise is starting to pile up and I hope people are not taking things just because it’s free. You know how we do with free stuff, take it and then don’t have any use for it or take the free items and try to sell them. Remember those images of people looting when Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was killed, and then after the Rodney King incident? It was sad to see people breaking plate glass windows and coming out of stores with sofas and televisions on their back. They were acting like they won the lottery.
It is so sad to watch what is happening in Texas. I cannot imagine what it would be like to be displaced from your home and then knowing that you may never be able to go back. If you are able to go back the house may be totally destroyed. I only have one close friend in Texas and I was able to speak to them and find out that they are alive, well and dry.

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