New Pittsburgh Courier

Found Guilty (May 2)


If I would end up in court, I would take the stand and tell my side of the story. Why oh why do people who claim they are innocent let their attorney speak for them? I felt bad for Bill Cosby when he was found guilty. I can’t imagine bringing charges against someone for something that happened decades ago unless it was murder.
Here is what I don’t get. Many people are acting like “all” of these women were so innocent. I am trying to figure out why and how did they get involved with Cosby? Were they all seeking advice on acting? Didn’t any of them know he was a married man? I have been doing quite a bit of reading on this case and I now believe he is guilty but I still have questions. After reading why 12 of the “Jane Does” do not want their names mentioned in relation to the case I wondered why they are involved at all. Many said they are from small towns and they cannot have attention drawn to themselves or their parents are so old now that they would be traumatized. How did you get involved with Bill Cosby in the first place? And I am going to ask this again didn’t you know he was married?
Here is another question for these ladies. When Cosby handed you the pills and instructed you to take them, why did you do that? The one woman in particular said he handed her the pills and she took them herself. I would never take any pills handed to me by some man.
Doing research on this case has been rather interesting. Did you know back in 2016 Cosby was suggesting that Andrea Constand should give him back the money he paid her to keep quiet? I agree. Give it back; you made an agreement and now it has been violated. The question I have now is how many other sexual predators are they going after? Is Harvey Weinstein going to be next or are we going to just let that go? Is Cosby the only one they really wanted to take down?
I wonder how Hannibal Buress feels now. Reportedly he started this mess back in 2014 during one of his stand-up routines. He said that he created the bit after reading about the sexual assault allegations against the legendary comedian. Cosby has been accused of raping at least 13 women in assaults that took place as far back as the 1970s. Cosby never responded to the charges and at the time had not been charged with any wrongdoing. “It’s just information that’s out there,” Buress said. “I said it and I gotta stand on it, but it is an interesting situation.” Reportedly Buress has gone silent and has not made any comment about the recent guilty verdict. If you go to his site all you can find are upcoming dates for performances. During a 2016 Netflix special Buress said the whole thing got out of hand. That is an understatement.
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