‘Breaking the chains of poverty’—APRI’s 50th Anniversary Gala Courier Editor 7 years ago REV. DERYCK TINES of Living Waters International is presented the Bayard Rustin Award by Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf. (Photo by J.L. Martello) ANGELA MIKE, with Pittsburgh Public Schools, is awarded the Maida Springer-Kemp award by state Rep. Jake Wheatley, at A. Phillip Randolph Institute’s 50th Anniversary Gala, April 19, at the August Wilson Center. (Photo by J.L. Martello) APRI MANAGING DIRECTOR DEWITT WALTON, left, with distinguished guests during the panel discussion, held before the gala, April 19, at the August Wilson Center. (Photo courtesy United Steelworkers) APRI MANAGING DIRECTOR DEWITT WALTON, second from right, with distinguished guests during the panel discussion, April 19, at the August Wilson Center. (Photo courtesy United Steelworkers) REV. DERYCK TINES of Living Waters International is presented the Bayard Rustin Award by Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf. (Photo by J.L. Martello) TRACY LEWIS models a dress that’s part of the auction at the event. NEWLY-MINTED U.S. REPRESENTATIVE CONOR LAMB was in the house, speaking to the many supporters of the A. Phillip Randolph Institute. (Photo courtesy United Steelworkers) ROY AYERS delighted the APRI Anniversary Gala attendees with his performance, April 19, at the August Wilson Center. (Photo by J.L. Martello) JAZZ LEGEND ROY AYERS (Photo by J.L. Martello) Like us at https://www.facebook.com/pages/New-Pittsburgh-Courier/143866755628836?ref=hl Follow @NewPghCourier on Twitter https://twitter.com/NewPghCourier