HONOREES—Charles J. Franklin, Donald Hutchinson and Antoine L. Smalls
by Debbie Norrell, Lifestyles Editor
On Sept. 21, at the Comfort Inn Conference Center in Penn Hills, St. Cyprian Consistory No. 4 held their Annual Scholarship Luncheon honoring three of their own. The list of honorees included: Illustrious S.G.I.G. Donald L. Hutchinson, 33*, Dean, Queen Esther Chapter No. 4, Knights of Rose Croix, G.I.G. Antoine L. Smalls, 33*, Illustrious Secretary and Keeper of the Seal and Archives and S.P. Charles J. Franklin, IV., 32*, Illustrious Commander in Chief.
Guests enjoyed two musical selections by the Women of Worship/Mime Ministry, a tasty lunch and keynote speaker Tony Norman, award-winning columnist for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Norman has been with the PG since 1988. In late 2016, he left the PG’s editorial board to avoid ever having to write anything positive about Donald Trump. Norman continues to write his provocative, rabble-rousing column twice a week. He said he often gets letters that readers have to keep a dictionary nearby to look up words in his column.
Franklin thanked the friends, family, fraternal Fraters and Loyal Ladies that attended to make the afternoon possible. A special thank you was given to Scipio White who turned 101 in July and drives himself to all meetings.
The purpose of the luncheon is to raise funds for student scholarships.
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