New Pittsburgh Courier

Henry-Taylor Law Advocates for All

445 Fort Pitt Boulevard, Suite 250
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Phone: (412) 275-0220

Nicola Henry-Taylor has been interested in law since she was a young elementary student. In fact, she can’t recall a time when she wasn’t interested and even attended a magnet high school for criminal justice. She has spent nearly 25 years practicing law, a decade operating her practice Henry-Taylor Law, PC.
“I enjoy the law. I enjoy the profession. I think the law allows you to influence other people’s lives, help people and make bigger changes…I enjoy the impact it allows you to make,” said Henry-Taylor.
Henry-Taylor Law, PC provides litigation-based legal services to residents located within the counties of Allegheny, Beaver, Westmoreland and Butler in western Pennsylvania. The practice focuses on criminal law, including summary offenses and juvenile cases; family law, including protection from abuse (PFA), custody, and support; benefits rights law, including Social Security and welfare matters.
“I have a niche practice where I work a lot with a very diverse population,” said Henry-Taylor. “I have immigrant clients, rural clients, and inner-city clients. I think the diversity in clients reflects my views on diversity in our region and have been able to make the goal that was in my business plan a reality.”
She has prided herself on still creating strong client relationships even with having less one on one eye contact meetings during the pandemic. Setting clear expectations has been essential.
“I think prepping clients, setting up a text message in advance, so they know this is what we’re going to do and telling them the procedure has gone over well.”
The biggest lesson she has learned on her journey is that relationships matter with everyone.
“People aren’t going to give you everything because they like you or know you, but when you’re trying to get something done people might listen to you more because they know who you are,” said Henry-Taylor.
As for anyone seeking legal consultation, superior service is standard with Henry-Taylor Law.
“They can expect professionalism. Everyone that works in this office is from Duquesne Law. I’m very proud of Duquesne Law and the tradition of excellence and caring for others,” said Henry-Taylor. “Everyone in the office has the mindset of being respectful. We call clients by their last name, carry ourselves with respect, and set the tone.”

Read more profiles from the Small Business Spotlight powered by DLC series here.

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