Electronic Proposals will be received online at the Port Authority of Allegheny County’s Ebusiness website (http://ebusiness.portauthority.org).
Proposals/bid submittals will be due 11:00 AM on May 11, 2022, and will be read at 11:15 AM., the same day, at Port Authority’s Heinz location (345 Sixth Avenue, Third Floor, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222-2527) as well as through your web browser via Microsoft Teams video conferencing, for the following:
Electronic Proposal – ebusiness website (http://ebusiness.portauthority.org)
Bid Number | Bid Name | ||
1 | B21-11-90AR | Pest Control Services | |
2 | B22-02-17R | Brake Disc Pads – LRV | |
3 | B22-04-30A | Cisco Smartnet Support | |
4 | B22-04-34 | Crossarm Insulator Assemblies | |
5 | B22-04-35A | Bus Batteries | |
To join by Microsoft Team video conference:
- https://bit.ly/37rvKuj
To join by Microsoft Teams call-in number:
- 412-927-0245 United State, Pittsburgh (Toll)
- Conference ID: 928 215 916#
No bidder may withdraw a submitted Proposal for a period of 75 days after the scheduled time for opening of the sealed bids.
A Pre-Bid Conference will be held via tele-conference on each of the above items at 10:00 am April 27, 2022, as well as through your web browser via Microsoft Teams video conference.
To join by Microsoft Team video conference:
- https://bit.ly/3JnKl7a
To join by Microsoft Teams call-in number:
- 412-927-0245 United State, Pittsburgh (Toll)
- Conference ID: 521 855 683#
Attendance at this meeting is not mandatory but is strongly encouraged. Questions regarding any of the above bids will not be entertained by the Port Authority within five (5) business days of the scheduled bid opening.
These contracts may be subject to a financial assistance contract between Port Authority of Allegheny County and the United States Department of Transportation. The Contractor will be required to comply with all applicable Equal Employment Opportunity laws and regulations.
Contractor is responsible for expenses related to acquiring a performance bond and insurance where applicable. All items are to be FOB delivered unless otherwise specified. Costs for delivery, bond, and insurance shall be included in bidder’s proposal pricing.
Port Authority of Allegheny County hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in regard to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprise will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award.
The Board of Port Authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids.
The Sports & Exhibition Authority will receive proposals for Employee Uniform Lease / Rental Services as identified below for the David L. Lawrence Convention Center. The contract for this work will be with the Sports & Exhibition Authority of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County. Inquiries regarding the project should be made to Joseph Garcia,
[email protected], Phone: (412) 952-3956, Fax: (412) 325-6190
This Advertisement applies to the following Request for Proposal:
RFP Available: Wednesday April 20, 2022
Pre-Proposal Meeting: 2:00 PM, Tuesday April 26, 2022 at the
David L. Lawrence Convention Center
Time/Date/Location for Proposal: 3:00 PM, Wednesday May 25, 2022
David L. Lawrence
Convention Center
1000 Fort Duquesne Boulevard
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
The Allegheny County Department of Human Services and the City of Pittsburgh recently issued a
Request for Proposal (RFP) for Homeless Prevention and Emergency Shelters. Due Date: 5 p.m. Eastern Time on Friday, May 13.
For more details and submission information, visit:
Erin Dalton
The Allegheny County Housing
Authority (ACHA) is requesting bids from qualified contractors for
DOCUMENTS: Bid documents & specifications for review, will be available on/after April 18, 2022 on the Pittsburgh Builder’s Exchange, or the McGraw-Hill websites. Complete IFB Documents with Bid Package may be obtained from the
Allegheny County Housing Authority, 301 Chartiers Avenue, McKees Rocks, PA 15136, or by contacting Dean Allen, Project Manager
[email protected] or 412-402-2469
FEE: No Charge for Emailed documents.
NON-MANDATORY PRE-BID CONFERENCE: Wednesday, April 27, 2022, at 10:00AM EST at Uansa Village, Helen & Robb Streets, McKees Rocks, PA 15136
QUESTION SUBMITTAL DEADLINE: Wednesday, May 4, 2022, at 3:00PM EST
BIDS DUE: Wednesday, May 11, 2022 at 2:00 PM EST at the ACHA Central Office, 301 Chartiers Avenue, McKees Rocks, PA 15136
Section 3 Businesses, MWDBE, VOSB are encouraged to respond.
Frank Aggazio
Executive Director
Allegheny County
Housing Authority
The Public Parking Authority of Pittsburgh (Authority) is soliciting proposals from qualified respondents to provide Professional Design and Management Services for a new public Authority website, as more fully described in the formal RFP document.
The RFP document will be available April 19, 2022, after 3:00 p.m. EST on the Authority website at
www.pittsburghparking.com on the homepage (Doing Business with the PPA). Printed copies may also be obtained at the Authority main office located at 232 Boulevard of the Allies, Pittsburgh, PA 15222.
A mandatory pre-proposal meeting will be held virtually via Zoom on Monday, May 2, 2022, at 2:00 p.m. EST.
Meeting information will be provided with the RFP documents on the Authority website.
Submitted proposals are required to be in the Authority’s possession, in the form of one (1) electronic copy via USB drive, clearly marked and sealed by 2:00 p.m. EST on Thursday June 2, 2022.
Electronic Bids will be received by the Allegheny County Airport Authority until 1:00 P.M. prevailing local time, JUNE 1, 2022.
Due to the COVID precautions, the ACAA is modifying its typical bid opening process; the formal bid opening procedure will be conducted virtually – any/all firms submitting a Bid to the ACAA will be given special access to view the opening event. Once bidding is closed, any/all firms submitting a bid will be issued an Invitation (via email) to access the formal bid opening event via a live webcast. Bidders will also be notified of the results via an email within (24) hours of the Bid Opening event.
ALL BIDDERS shall be required to provide a completed formal Bid Document Request application in order to acquire bidding documents for any/all of the above listed Project Numbers.
No bidding documents will be issued prior to the Authority’s Construction Manager having a copy of a fully completed Request Application.
Bid Document Request Applications can be obtained by sending a Request to the following email address:
On the Subject Line, include the following: “Bid Documents Request –Customs and Border Protection”.
Once a bidder’s request has been received, provided it is complete, the CM will provide access for the bidder to access and download the bid documents through Building Connected, a web-based bid management platform.
A PREBID CONFERENCE –April 20, 2022 – 1:00 PM
The meeting will be a Microsoft Teams Meeting. To join the meeting the following number can be called (877) 286-5733 – United States (Toll-Free) – Conference ID 933 438 7#. Please email [email protected] to receive the link to join by computer.
A site visit will be conducted. Details regarding the site visit will be provided at the Pre-Bid meeting. Note that no questions can be asked during this Prebid Meeting. Any/all questions must be issued to the CM as an “RFI”.
Any/all questions related to this project must be made in writing to the CM. RFIs are to be sent to the CM via email to [email protected]
Proposals must be made on the Authority’s forms and in accordance with the Plans and Specifications and the “Instructions to Bidders”’.
Due to Covid precautions, ACAA will not be accepting any hard copy bids for this Project. Accordingly, Electronic Bids are the only form that the ACAA will accept. While the Instructions to Bidders will provide more details, for an Electronic Bid to be accepted in must be sent through Building Connected and it must be received by no later than the established Bid Date and time deadline.
Attention is called to the fact that not less than the minimum salaries and wages as determined by the General Wage Determinations issued under the Davis-Bacon and related Acts must be paid on these projects.
This project has DBE participation goals; DBE firms must be certified with the Pennsylvania Unified Certification Program) (PAUCP). Firms must be certified prior to award of contract. A searchable database of DBE firms can be found on the PAUCP web site: https://paucp.dbesystem.com/
The Airport Authority reserves the right to reject any and all bids or waive any informalities in the bidding.
No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of one hundred twenty [120] days after the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids.
To view a complete advertisement, which is also included in the bidding documents visit www.flypittsburgh.com under “Business Opportunities”.
RFP# 350-20-21-REBID
The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (HACP) hereby request proposals from qualified Firms or Individuals capable of providing the following service(s):
The documents will be available no later than April 11, 2022 and signed, sealed proposals will be accepted until: 10:00 A.M. on May 3, 2022 The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh will only be accepting physical proposals dropped off in person from 8:00 AM until the closing time of 10:00 AM on May 3, 2022 in the lobby of 100 Ross St. Pittsburgh, PA 15219. Proposals may be uploaded to the
Authority’s online submission site, the link is accessible via the HACP website and within the RFP. Sealed proposals may still be mailed via USPS at which time they will be Time and Date Stamped at 100 Ross Street 2nd Floor, Suite 200, Pittsburgh, PA 15219.
Parties or individuals interested in responding may download a copy of the Solicitation from the Business Opportunities page of www.HACP.org.
Questions or inquiries should be directed to:
Mr. Kim Detrick
Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh
Procurement Department
100 Ross Street
2nd Floor, Suite 200
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
A pre-submission meeting will be held via Zoom meeting; on April 21, 2022 at 10:00 A.M. Please see meeting information below:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 811 0377 1665
Passcode: 826633
+1 301 715 8592 US
(Washington D.C)
The Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh strongly encourages certified minority business enterprises and women business enterprises to
respond to this solicitation.
HACP has revised their website. As part of those revisions, vendors must now register and log-in, in order to view and download IFB/RFPs documentation.
Caster D. Binion,
Executive Director
Housing Authority of
the City of Pittsburgh
HACP conducts business in accordance with all federal, state, and local civil rights laws, including but not limited to Title VII, the Fair Housing Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, The PA Human Relations Act, etc. and does not discriminate against any individuals protected by these statutes.
Separate sealed Bids for the Work as listed hereinafter will be received at the Purchasing and Materials Management Department of Port Authority of Allegheny County (Authority) Heinz 57 Center, 345 Sixth Avenue, Third Floor, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15222-2527 until 1:30 p.m. on Friday, May 20, 2022 (Please call Cindy Denner at (412) 566-5117 prior to arriving at this location – all participants must provide and wear a mask at all times and practice minimum social distancing of 6 feet between other individuals) and will be opened and read at 2:00 p.m. via teleconference at: (toll free phone number: 1-855-453-6957 and conference ID #4485786). Each Bidder shall be solely responsible for assuring that its Bid is both received and time stamped by a representative of the Purchasing and Materials Management Department at or before the advertised time for submission of Bids. Bidders submitting bids via FedEx, UPS, USPS or other carrier must immediately provide tracking information to the assigned contract specialist via e-mail. Upon delivery, bidder will notify the assigned contract specialist with an e-mailed receipt. Bids received, or time stamped in the Purchasing and Materials Management Department after the advertised time for the submission of Bids shall be non-responsive and therefore ineligible for Award.
Wood Street and Steel Plaza System Improvements
The Work of this Project includes, but is not limited to, the furnishing and installation of new 480V switchboards in Steel Plaza and Wood Street LRV stations, the removal of existing 480V switchboards, the replacement of Fan Dampers and Actuators and the replacement of two (2) substation rectifier transformers.
Bid Documents will be available for public inspection and may be obtained on or after Wednesday, April 20, 2022 at Authority’s offices at the following address (If you are picking up bid documents, please call Cindy Denner at (412) 566-5117 prior to arriving at this location – all participants must provide and wear a mask at all times and practice minimum social distancing of 6 feet between other individuals):
Port Authority of Allegheny County Purchasing
and Materials Management Department
Heinz 57 Center
345 Sixth Avenue, Third Floor
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222-2527
Bid Documents are available for purchase as follows: Bid Documents are available in an electronic form on USB Storage Drive upon payment of $15.00 per USB Drive. Payment shall be by check or money order (NO CASH), payable to “Port Authority of Allegheny County.” No refunds of payment will be made. Upon request, Bid Documents can be mailed upon receipt of payment in full. Should the purchaser wish to have the Bid Documents delivered via special delivery, such as UPS or Federal Express, the purchaser shall provide its appropriate account numbers for such special delivery methods.
This Project may be funded, in part, by, and subject to certain requirements of, the County of Allegheny and/or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Authority, in compliance with 74 Pa.C.S. § 303, as may be amended, require that certified Diverse Businesses (“DBs”) have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts and subcontracts for this Project. In this regard, all Bidders shall make good faith efforts in accordance with 74 Pa.C.S. § 303, to ensure that DBs have the maximum opportunity to compete for and perform contracts. Bidders shall also not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, age, disability, national origin, sexual origin, gender identity or status as a parent in the award and performance of contracts for this Project. If aid is required to involve DBs in the Work, Bidders are to contact Authority’s Director of Employee Relations and OEO at (412) 566-5262.
The Bidder’s attention is directed to the following contacts for Bidder’s questions:
Procedural Questions Regarding Bidding:
Cindy Denner – Authority
[email protected] (412) 566-5117
All other questions relating to the Bid Documents must be submitted by mail or email to:
Port Authority of Allegheny County
Heinz 57 Center
345 Sixth Avenue, Third Floor Pittsburgh, PA 15222-2527
Attn: Cindy Denner
email: [email protected]
In addition, the Bidder’s attention is directed to the following schedule of activities for preparation of its Bid:
9:00 a.m. Pre-Bid Conference will be conducted via
April 28, 2022 teleconference at:
Toll free phone number: 1-855-453-6957
Conference ID #4485786
(Attendance is not mandatory, but strongly
9:00 a.m. Pre-Bid Light Rail Station Site Tour
April 29, 2022 Contractors to initially meet at:
Wood Street Station
(Wood Street and Liberty Avenue)
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Followed by:
Steel Plaza Station
(Ross Street and Sixth Avenue)
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
(Steel Plaza site tour immediately
follows Wood Street site tour)
All participants must provide and wear class
2 safety vests and appropriate footwear; all
participants must always provide and wear
a mask and practice minimum social distancing
of 6 feet between other individuals. Tours
will be conducted in limited group sizes and
in the order of which bidders sign-in at the
site. (Attendance is not mandatory, but
strongly recommended.)
1:00 p.m. Pre-Bid Substation Site Tour
April 29, 2022 Contractors to initially meet at:
West Library Station
(6230 Library Rd)
Bethel Park, PA 15102
Followed by:
Castle Shannon Station
(880 Castle Shannon Blvd)
Pittsburgh, PA 15234
(Castle Shannon site tour immediately
follows West Library site tour)
All participants are responsible for their own
transportation to the substation locations.
Public parking is available at both locations.
All participants must provide and wear class
2 safety vests and appropriate footwear; all
participants must always provide and wear
a mask and practice minimum social distancing
of 6 feet between other individuals. Tours will
be conducted in limited group sizes and in
the order of which bidders sign-in at the site.
(Attendance is not mandatory, but strongly
1:30 p.m. Bids Due
May 20, 2022 Purchasing and Materials Management Department
Please call Cindy Denner at (412) 566-5117
prior to arriving at the Heinz 57 location – all
participants must provide and wear a mask
at all times and practice minimum social
distancing of 6 feet between other individuals.
Bids submitted via Fed Ex, UPS, USPS or
other carrier are subject to the notification
requirements indicated above.
2:00 p.m. Bid Opening
May 20, 2022 will be conducted via teleconference at:
Toll free phone number: 1-855-453-6957
Conference ID #4485786
Authority reserves the right to reject any or all Bids
The Westmoreland County Housing Authority (W.C.H.A.) is accepting owner and/or developer applications for project-based voucher (PBV) units, necessary to preserve quality affordable housing within Irwin Borough, Westmoreland County, through the PBV program (authorized by section 8(o)(13) of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437f(o)(13)) in accordance with 24 CFR § 983. Applications must be received by 10:00 a.m. on May 13, 2022, at the W.C.H.A.’s administrative office located at 167 South Greengate Road, Greensburg, PA 15601.
In accordance with Federal Law – Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act, Executive Order 11063-Housing Employment, Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act – the W.C.H.A. does not discriminate in employment, Federal contracts or subcontracts, or housing programs due to race, color, religion, sex, handicap, disability, national origin, age, sexual orientation or gender identity. Only applications submitted in response to this advertisement will be considered.
Interested and qualified respondents may obtain RFQ-Documents containing detailed submission requirements from the W.C.H.A. at 167 South Greengate Road, Greensburg, PA 15601. Electronic format RFQ documents are available for downloading at no cost online at https://www.wchaonline.com.
Inquiries can be emailed to [email protected]
Attention is called to all respondents that compliance is required with all applicable Equal Employment Opportunity regulations for federally assisted contracts. This includes strict compliance with Executive Order 11246, as amended;
Nondiscrimination- Executive Order 11625; Minority Business Enterprise; Executive Order 12138, Women Business Enterprise; Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968; Civil Rights Act of 1964; and Minority Business Participation
TO PLACE AN AD Call or Email:
412-481-8302 Ext. 140
[email protected]
Deadline/Closing/Cancellation Schedule
for copy, corrections, and cancellations: Friday
noon preceding Wednesday publication