New Pittsburgh Courier

Let Emmanuelle Ceramics Mold Your Memories

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For Emmanuelle Wambach, ceramics started as a fun hobby to destress.
“My mom was adamant about me being a doctor, so when I got to college, I was pre-med, and I was stressing out,” said Wambach. “My advisor was like you should take something that will destress you, and she suggested art, and I’ve always loved art, so I took a ceramics class, and I fell in love with it.”

She turned her passion into profit and launched Emmanuelle Ceramics.
Emmanuelle Ceramics makes lace textured functional ceramics and pottery. By capturing the print of the fabric in clay, Wambach makes ceramic heirlooms that can be used to make new memories.
Oftentimes when people encounter Wambach’s art, they view it as just that, art. Despite Emmanuelle Ceramics being microwave and dishwasher safe, some customers choose just to use them as a display in their home.
“A lot of people think it’s very decorative, so they’re a little afraid to actually use it. I have a lot of people that buy my things and just sort of display them.”

Even if you come across a design you do not like or want something practical for everyday use, Emmanuelle Ceramics takes custom orders and loves to work with customers to make their own unique pieces.
“My favorite [order] was a woman whose grandmother passed away, and she has 15 cousins,” said Wambach. “She’s like can you make something for me and my cousins to remember my grandmother, so she gave me part of her grandmother’s wedding dress, and I was able to make these ornaments from the pattern in her dress that she then gave to her family. I love when you have a story, and people are willing to tell you the story and give you something that you can use.”

Wambach, who works full-time in addition to running her business, says satisfied customers keep her motivated.
“I think it’s great when people love your art, but when they’re like wow, we can’t wait to see you in stores…that’s really a wonderful boost that keeps you going.”


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