At its public meeting on June 6 2023, at 7 p.m., at 10 Community Park Dr., the Baldwin Twp. Board of Commissioners will consider enacting the following Amendments to the Township’s Code of Ordinances, titled and summarized as follows: (1) An Ordinance Amending Ch. 13, Transient Retail Merchants, to Provide Rules and Regulations for Establishing and Maintaining a Resident “No Solicitation”/“Do Not Knock” List, and Providing Penalties for Violations Thereof; and (2) An Ordinance Amending Ch. 7, Fire Prevention and Fire Protection, to Add a new Ch. 7, Part II, Fire Code, Adopting The “ICC 2018 International Fire Code” with such Revisions as Noted herein, establishing Minimum Standards and Related Regulations Governing Fire Safety, Fire Protection and Fire Prevention Systems and Other Requirements with regard to the Use and Occupancy of Buildings and Premises.
The proposed ordinances may be examined during normal business hours at the Township Bldg. or at the office of this newspaper.
Nina Belcastro,
Township Manager
412-481-8302 Ext. 140
Deadline/Closing/Cancellation Schedule
for copy, corrections, and cancellations: Friday noon preceding Wednesday publication