New Pittsburgh Courier

Oprah gives special invite to girl who reenacted ‘The Color Purple’ scene

Photo: Getty Images

Oprah Winfrey surprised a young fan with a special invitation after she went viral for reenacting a scene from The Color Purple, per CNN.

Rosie McKee caught initially Winfrey’s attention with a video posted on Instagram of her acting out the film’s famous dinner table scene. In the video, McKee performed all the roles and lip-synched the words of the characters.

Winfrey, a producer of a new movie based on The Color Purple Broadway musical, praised the video earlier this year and pledged to meet the young girl.

“When a friend sent me this video, I said, ‘Rosie and her brother did a really good job reenacting @thecolorpurple!” Winfrey commented on the video. “Then they told me it was just Rosie doing all the roles – so that gets a standing O from me! I’ve got to call her mother cause now I have to meet @go_rosie_grow.”

The mogul followed through with her promise and took a call with McKee to discuss her reenactment.

“It’s the hardest scene in the movie for all the actors to do,” Winfrey said in a video of the call. “When I did it years ago, it took us three days to do that scene. And you nailed it!”

Winfrey also invited McKee to join her for The Color Purple premiere in Los Angeles. She said she would send McKee and her mom shopping for purple outfits to wear to the event.

“Can’t wait to see you on the purple carpet,” Winfrey said.

The Color Purple film debuts in theaters on December 25.

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