Activist Shaun King “ceasing all activity across social media” amid appeal against Meta’s ban

In a video comment shared on a friend’s account on Christmas, King expressed his frustration over Instagram banning him stating, “Frustrated that Instagram has banned me for fighting for Palestine and speaking up for the human rights and dignity of Palestinians, but I refuse to betray my values and principles by staying silent about this genocide and the war crimes in Gaza and the West Bank.”

King added, “You can NEVER mince words about genocide. You can never mince words about war crimes. You MUST speak truth to power every way you know how.”

The situation garnered further attention when Human Rights Watch released a report shedding light on flaws in Meta’s enforcement of its Dangerous Organizations and Individuals policy. The report raised concerns about the suppression of voices advocating for Palestinian rights, unveiling patterns of “heightened censorship” around content supporting Palestinians.

Shaun King announced on LinkedIn Thursday that he will be appealing the decision and will cease all social media activity until a verdict is reached. King shared the Official Press Release and his 24 page legal appeal to the Meta Oversight Board which states, “Mr. King is submitting this appeal on multiple instances of removal of content and the suspension of his Instagram account (his Facebook account still remains active) to the Oversight Board on a number of procedural and substantive grounds. Due to Meta’s own violations of the Bylaws and Charter (which will be set out in further detail below), and technical difficulties, he has been unable to submit via the online portal.”

Filed by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), the appeal challenges Meta’s suppression of non-violent activist speech, especially those supporting Palestinians. ADC, along with attorney Abed Ayoub and human rights lawyer Sara Elizabeth Dill, contends that Meta’s actions, including content removal and account shutdowns, represent arbitrary limitations on speech. The appeal calls for a thorough review, unbiased determinations, and policy reforms to ensure a fair and transparent process.

Meta’s response to the appeal has raised eyebrows, with the company attempting to shield its internal decisions from the scrutiny of the Meta Oversight Board. This maneuver, seemingly contradicting the board’s purpose of addressing complex questions around freedom of expression online, has prompted accusations that Meta is undermining the oversight process. The ADC has been an unwavering advocate for King and others facing censorship due to their pro-Palestinian stance. Highlighting the widespread nature of Meta’s actions, ADC has received thousands of complaints from Palestinian and Pro-Palestinian users, emphasizing the urgent need to hold Meta accountable for alleged censorship practices.

In announcing his decision to step away from online platforms, King expressed concerns about potential government and corporate involvement in shutting down his accounts. Citing threats to his safety, privacy, and security, King clarified that this hiatus is not an abandonment of his advocacy but a strategic move to safeguard himself in the ongoing battle against what he perceives as censorship and discrimination.

King’s announcement stated, “I have reason to believe that governments and corporations (both foreign and domestic) are involved in the case to shut my accounts down, interrupt my life and work, and effectively silence me under the threat that I am supporting dangerous organizations – when, in fact, I am only interested in ENDING the dangerous genocide of Palestinians.”

As the legal battle unfolds, the ban on Shaun King’s Instagram account symbolizes a broader struggle between social media platforms and activists pushing for social justice. The outcome of this case has the potential to set significant precedents, influencing the relationship between digital platforms and those who use them as crucial tools for advocacy. The clash between Meta and King underscores the challenges and complexities of navigating censorship and safeguarding free expression in the digital age.

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