New Pittsburgh Courier

The Wise Decision…Here's why you sabotage yourself

Sterling Wise

And here’s how to put an end to it.
You know the ‘how-to’ of fat loss-eat healthy and exercise-so why are you still living in a body that you’re unhappy with?
In my experience, people carry ‘unwanted’ pounds for very specific reasons. These reasons are subconscious, which is where things get tricky.
Self-sabotage is your subconscious way of protecting yourself.
Sounds crazy, but it makes sense when you realize that it is a defense mechanism meant to keep things in your life from changing.
You say that you want to lose weight to look and feel amazing, but your subconscious is pulling the strings behind the scenes, keeping your goals just out of reach.
As long as your subconscious believes that you are safer being out-of-shape then you’ll be stuck.
Your most valiant efforts will be undermined by self-sabotage every single time.
Frustrating, right?
But don’t give up.
There’s a way to turn everything around, and it all starts with finding out the reason that your subconscious views being out-of-shape as being safe.
Once you turn the light on to that reason then it will no longer have any power over you.
So, lets dig around for your reason.
Do you believe…Change is bad? It’s common to fear the unknown, but this could very well be the reason that you’re not reaching your goal. Being comfortable with where you are today could be the reason that you sabotage your efforts to improve your life through change.
Do you believe…Success will bring loss? If you met your weight loss goal, would it bring out resentment and jealousy in your friends and family? Are they counting on you to be the ‘screw-up’?
Do you believe…You don’t deserve it? Has someone in your life made you believe that you aren’t worthy of success? Or that they wouldn’t accept you if you were more successful than they are?
Do you believe…You’re not capable? Are you unable to imagine yourself at your goal weight? Does the possibility of achieving your goal not seem real?
Spend time thinking about these tough questions and discover why it is that you aren’t meeting your goals. Once your whole mind is primed for success, then nothing will be able to stop you.
What the mind believes the body achieves.

Exercise is a huge part of the equation when it comes to achieving weight loss.
I am passionate about seeing my clients achieve results-without wasting time, energy and effort on mistakes.
Simply call 313-444-9348 or email me ( today to set up your personal training and/or Skype program, or if you are in the Michigan area you can come out to my FREE Fit Club in Oak Park.  Web:
I’d love to get you on the exercise program that will change your body and your life for the better.
The Ugly Truth About Emotional Eating
It happens with most of us.
You have a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day… and at the end of it you turn to food.
There’s a reason that it’s called comfort food. While you’re eating it you feel better.
And when you’re done eating it you feel worse.
Keep this in mind next time you are tempted to turn to food for comfort:
Emotional eating temporarily relieves distress and then makes it impossible to attain what you really want.

Chicken Soup with Quinoa & Roasted Red Peppers
By using flavorful ingredients, like roasted red bell peppers and white bean hummus, this soup tastes like you slaved over it all afternoon– but really takes less than 20 minutes to throw together. This recipe is a great way to fit some quinoa into your diet. Quinoa is a protein-packed seed that is considered a “super food”. It’s s a complete protein, containing all 9 essential amino acids, and is gluten free.
Servings: 5
Here’s what you need:
1 cup roasted red bell peppers
3/4 cup white bean hummus
2 cups chicken stock
1/2 cup cooked quinoa
1 cup shredded rotisserie chicken
dash salt and pepper
2 Tablespoons parsley, chopped
Take 1/4 cup of the roasted red peppers, slice into strips and set aside.
Place the remaining red peppers in a blender along with the hummus and chicken stock. Blend until smooth.
Transfer to a medium saucepan. Add the quinoa and chicken. Season with salt and pepper.
Bring to a boil.
Ladle the soup into bowls and garnish with the slices of red pepper and chopped parsley.
Nutritional Analysis: One Serving equals: 248 calories, 11g fat, 644mg sodium, 14g carbohydrate, 3g fiber, and 20g protein

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