Extortion and threats
AP: Hundreds of officers lose licenses over sex misconduct
November 1, 2015
By: Courier Newsroom
High court throws out conviction for Facebook threats
June 2, 2015
By: Courier Newsroom
Police, other groups try to tamp down tensions in Ferguson
March 12, 2015
By: Courier Newsroom
Inmate to plead guilty to wrongly addressed threat to Obama
February 23, 2015
By: Courier Newsroom
Libya suspect an shadowy figure among militias
June 21, 2014
By: Courier Newsroom
Kilpatrick pal Ferguson gets 21 years in prison
October 11, 2013
By: Associated Press
‘Gentle giant’ at odds with Bowser’s violent past
August 11, 2013
By: Associated Press