:10 Listen, if you don’t believe I had the Steelers upsetting the “Bun-gals,” you only need to check with the folks I told at “My Spot.” (Don’t ask where my spot is…if I told you, I’d have to kill you!) And secondly, I don’t have to lie to you people. I ain’t scared of none of y’all. The—Pittsburgh—Steelers—Are—Still—Alive!!!
:09 No, you—did—not—miss—it…the list is coming next week. The definite finest women on the planet list brought to you by the backroom committee at The Courier secret hideaway. So you half men who aren’t allowed to read it in front of your women, find a place you can sneak a peak.
:08 A big shout out to a long time reader of “Overtime” and a life-long friend. “Kat” out at AAA…you’re now in the Locker Room.
:07 Here’s a movie review for ya…Madea’s Christmas is terrible. The worst one yet. Tyler Perry, you gotta get a new formula. I give it one basketball! Shut up Madea!
:06 Dennis Rodman, they’re gonna find you’re a** hanging on a wall in a North Korean dungeon if you’re not careful.