Stress in childhood may lead to long-term effects on physical and mental health.
Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh’s Department of Psychiatry are conducting a study to look at how children respond to stress. To be eligible, children must be ages 13 to 25 and have a parent who has been diagnosed with stage IV cancer. The study seeks to learn more about the biological factors related to depression and post-traumatic stress disorder in children and caregivers. As part of the research, participants will complete an interview. They will also answer questions about mood, feelings and physical and mental health. Researchers will measure participants’ height, weight and blood pressure. Participants will be asked to provide blood, hair and saliva samples. Payment will be provided for completion. Part of the study will compare results with families who have not experienced a cancer diagnosis or other major life stressor.
If you are interested in participating or learning more about the study, please contact the project coordinator at 412-246-6124 or e-mail [email protected].