Allegheny County Airport Authority CEO talks business opportunities on new terminal project at PowerBreakfast

CO-PILOTS—Christina Cassotis poses with African American Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Doris Carson Williams after announcing a special July 25 meeting with Chamber members and the prime contractors who will build the new International Airport terminal. (Photos by J.L. Martello)


by Christian Morrow, Courier Staff Writer

In introducing Allegheny County Airport Authority CEO Christine Cassotis, African American Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Doris Carson Williams said she makes a difference.

“She walks the walk,” said Williams. “She delivers.”

Cassotis then told the Chamber’s June 14 PowerBreakfast audience that she is about to deliver a new terminal at Pittsburgh International Airport, and to ensure a higher-than-targeted level of Black-owned business participation in the $1.1 billion project, she and the multiple prime contractors on the team will be meeting with the Chamber. But before that, they’ll go to Homewood, directly to the community.

“We have a (Disadvantaged Business Entity) goal of 14 percent—we look at that as a floor, not a ceiling. And our partners know it,” she said. “This is a really important issue to the team and one I pay attention to. I was just telling Doris we had an audit by the FAA on our DBE program, and I’m proud to say they left with three best practices that they’re taking back to Washington—from us.”

Cassotis said she and her team aren’t interested in “checking the box,” but getting people involved. That means more outreach.

“That means identifying new DBEs who haven’t done business with the airport before who may have been trying for 15 years. I will give you all the access you need. The goal is to capacity-build. Go to our website, we’re going into the community in Homewood July 10 and will introduce folks to the prime contractors. We’re here at the Chamber on the 25th. And on August 27, we’re hosting a vendor product fair at the convention center. The goal of this event is to encourage participation from local companies, highlight locally made products.”

FLY UNITED—Allegheny County Airport Authority CEO Christina Cassotis tells the June 14 PowerBreakfast audience that multiple meetings are scheduled to connect Black businesses to the prime contractors for the $1 billion renovation of Pittsburgh International Airport.


The reasons for the project are legion, including: the current terminal was built for USAIR as a hub—before the TSA existed. Since they collapsed in 2007, the building is too big; Pittsburgh is now an origin and destination airport; the train from landside to airside costs $4 million a year; and security is terrible, consolidating airside and landside into one building will allow for more lanes for security checks and a smoother experience.

Cassotis also said the international airport would be building its own electrical microgrid—powered by the natural gas being extracted below the property—so it can be self-sustaining in the event of broader grid power failures.

“Look, the Marcellus Shale is a big deal, part of the economic diversification of this community,” she said. “The energy industry is incredibly important, and at the airport it’s made a huge difference. That revenue is part of the reason we can do this. It’s been a game-changer for us. It’s one of the reasons I came here because it’s a revenue stream most chief executives don’t have.”

Construction on the new terminal will begin in the fall and is scheduled to be completed in 2023.


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