Debuting on Netflix on February 28th, “Chappelle’s Home Team” is a series of comedy specials executive produced by Dave Chappelle. The series features comedians chosen and spotlighted by the comedian. Directed by Emmy and Grammy award winner Stan Lathan, the first two specials of “Chappelle’s Home Team will feature comedians from Washington DC. Earthquake and Donnell Rawlings. Rawlings special airs in March.
“I’ve been doing this a long time and comedians like Quake and Donnell are not only friends but have inspired my own career. Anyone in the comedy community knows these names and knows their time to shine is long overdue. I am proud to be a part of this moment.” – Dave Chappelle
The first comedian featured on “Chappelle’s Home Team is Earthquake. In the special, titled Earthquake: Legendary, comedian Earthquake shakes up the stage and delivers aftershocks while going in hard on health as wealth, prostate exams, and disciplining kids. Comedian Earthquake currently appears in recurring roles on The Neighborhood for CBS, Johnson for the Bounce network, and South Side for HBO Max. Earthquake has also landed a development deal for a project with the CBS network. Additionally, he is in his fourth season as the host of Quakeshouse, the uber-popular radio show for Sirius XM Channel 96, produced by Kevin Hart’s LOL Radio Network.
Chappelle appears in each special to introduce his fellow comedians, all of whom have been in the comedy game for over 30 years.