At The Finish Line… Where Only the Truth Matters

V. Stiviano (Instagram)

• And let’s do start with the truth.  And this truth will set you free.  Not only should Donald “Thomas Jefferson” Sterling be banned from the NBA for life, he should be banned from life for life.  Here’s the rest of the top ten truth . . . the whole truth . . . so help me God:
#1 The man’s racist behavior has been well documented for more than 20 years.
#2 He’s been sued for his racist behavior for more than three million dollars.
#3 David Stern, the former NBA Commissioner, had to know about him.
#4 All” the other owners had to know.
#5 His wife of 50 years had to know she was “sleeping with the enemy.”
#6 Say what you want, but the man is a straight-up “pimp” . . . I’m paying you  woman . . . I own you woman . . . Stay away from them blacks woman . . . you better bring me my money woman . . . ya’ll know!
#7 Speaking of his women, aka V. Stiviano is about to get paid.
#8 I don’t care how much money you have, you don’t want to die and leave a legacy of being that guy!  Just ask Howard Hughes.
#9 Yo pimp, you do know your woman is of Black and Mexican descent . . .  ouch!
#10 None of you want to say it so I’ll say it for ya.  “You know Magic Johnson is hitting it man!!!”
• I can’t tell you what happened to the Bulls and the Pacers, but I can tell you this, whatever they have, you don’t want to catch it?
• Want to get that “Happy Feeling”?  Then do just that.  Go pull out Frankie Beverly and Maze and take a trip down memory lane to a better time happy feeling, joy and pain, Southern Girl, feel what ya feel.  You know it doesn’t get any better than that.
• Do – Not – Worry, the Pittsburgh Pirates will be okay.  The rest of the league has caught up with them, that’s all.  Give it time.  They’ll get it done.
• Let’s Go Pens, Let’s Go Pens, Let’s Go Pens . . . Fleury, Fleury, Fleury . . . that’s all I got, but don’t let my lack of on-ice skills fool ya.  Most of my readers don’t have a clue either!
• If you’re reading this Friday morning or early afternoon, you already know where you’re going to be tonight.  That’s right.  The Champions / Corvette Club / Turning Corners First Friday Old School Par-Tay at Brewstone’s Restaurant in Monroeville, 8:00 p.m. until 2:00 a.m., free parking, $10 at the door, cash bar, cash kitchen till 12:00 midnight and special guests Jennifer Bruce, B.B. Flenory and 4-time Super Bowl Champion, J.T. Thomas.
• Pictured here are two heavyweights, but only one of them was Champion of the World.  Can you guess which one?  Well, while you’re trying to figure it out, consider this. . . the real champion started knocking people out at age sixteen, became and is still the youngest heavyweight champion of all time, was taking people out seemingly every two weeks and put fear in the hearts of grown men.  Yeah, you guessed it, it’s the short guy on the right.  “Iron Mike” Tyson.  And his message today is all about the truth.  “I’ve had a great run – I have no regrets – I had fun spending over 300 million dollars – Buster Douglas wanted it badder than I did – I’m drug and alcohol free for ten years – I did not rape that woman and she knows it – I’m promoting fights to help fighters have a better chance to succeed – and most importantly . . . young people, get your education and don’t let anyone tell you what you can’t be!!!
< You Have Just Crossed the Finish Line >

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